Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Day 3

Woke up today and seen the scale said that I'm now 3lbs down! I did my first test with the ketostix and it said my ketone levels are high, so I'm happy about that. I know what I'm seeing on the scale, but i won't believe it until the end of my first week is over. lol

Today I realized AFTER I had already got to work, that i left my debit card at home and only had $6 cash. I had to think of something quick, low carb and cheap. Here's what I ate so far. Will update dinner later on!

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, coffee

Snack before lunch: half of avocado

Lunch: I decided since i only had $6 to go get me some pork rinds (0 carbs), finish the rest of my avocado, and to-go-package of Tuna. I also bought some almonds that I plan on snacking on later. Lunch was a total of $3.

Ok so for dinner i had a Wendy's chicken Cobb salad. Surprisingly i only ate half of it bcus I was full!

I also snacked on another boiled egg and a few more almonds before dinner.😊


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